A Feng Shui Tip from E. J. Shaffert, Director of London School of Feng Shui

Last week, we explored the correct placement of your desk, bed, etc., which is in view of the entrance, with a solid wall behind you.

It should be clear that having a window or doorway behind you is going to lead to feelings of insecurity.  But there is one more consideration….

In Feng Shui, the term “shar chi” refers to any sharp angles that point towards us and our spaces.  If you have a corner of another building that faces towards your home, that angle is pointing sharp energy towards you, and this is referred to as a “poison arrow.”

The effect is the same for any sharp angles inside your space.  Be sure not sit with with any sharp corners that face towards your chair or bed, otherwise that “poisoned” energy can cause you to feel exhausted and out of sorts.

A small culprit of this that you should consider:  the spines of books that are lined up on bookcases are also thought to be “shar chi”, especially if the spines are not arranged neatly on the shelf.

Some people like to have a bookcase directly behind their desk chair, perhaps thinking that all these books behind them will offer a sense of authority and wisdom.  But in the end, the “shar chi” from the spines of these books might lead to the opposite experience.

Note if you have any bookcases or other sharp angles facing towards your bed or favourite seating positions, and make the necessary changes to remove any “shar chi.”

In the event that you have any architectural features (pillars, corners of rooms, etc) which cannot be removed, I will offer you added advice next week on how to handle these features.

E. J. Shaffert


E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.

He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.

E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.

He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.

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