A Feng Shui Tip from E. J. Shaffert, Director of London School of Feng Shui
Sometimes, it amazes me how, in the modern world, we have so much.
Truly, if we took all the possessions that a small American family has in their home, and laid everything side-by-side, it would all probably need space the size of a football field!
And yet, many of us go through life feeling deprived…. How can this be?
The truth is, we may be trying to fill an experience of emptiness in our lives with unnecessary possessions and activity. And all of this can make it seem that our lives are “full”, while we still feel dissatisfied inside.
As a test of this, go to the drawers in your bedroom, and look at the clothes you are storing. Ask yourself seriously, “How much of this clothing do I wear on a regular basis (at least a few times a month)? And how much of it do I REALLY like?”
If your answer is “Not much…”, then there is a clue why abundance and new life may have trouble finding you: The metaphysical “drawers” of your life are full of things you don’t want, and there is no room for anything new.
As an experiment, try this approach: Decide that you will only put enough things in each drawer in your home so that each one is only HALF FULL. That’s right: leave 50% of each drawer empty, for something new to come in.
There is an old expression: Nature abhors a vacuum (and we are not talking about vacuum cleaners!) When you intentionally create emptiness, there is an automatic pull for new life to come in.
Practice this with a few drawers in your home, and in the next Feng Shui Tip, we will explore other ways to create space for something new to come into your life.
E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.
He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.
E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.
He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.