A Feng Shui Tip from E. J. Shaffert, Director of London School of Feng Shui
In the last newsletter, we discussed how the energy that enters your home is parallel with the amount of opportunity and abundance that comes to you. Therefore, if you want to increase the flow of abundance, you need to direct the flow of “chi” energy into your home, AND make sure it does not leak out as quickly as it comes in!
One of the main architectural problems that permits energy to leak out occurs when there is a window or glass door opposite your front door. As discussed last week, if this is the case in your house, you truly must address this problem.
So, then, what to do? For this, we can apply a classic Feng Shui cure, which utilizes a simple tool.
One of the best tools to distribute the energy, so it does not leak out, is a finely tuned wind chime. Yes, I know, these have become synonymous with Feng Shui, so that it may seem too simple! But, in truth, they do work.
I realized how powerful a chime can be when, years ago when I was living in New York, I had a chime in my living room, and one day, I decided to ring it very loudly. And guess what…? The metal chandelier on the other side of the room started to swing from the vibration! At that moment, I realized how powerful the energy of a chime can be.
If you have energy that leaks out after it comes in from the front door, you can install a chime in your front hall, so the energy circulates into your home. Or, hang the chime a few feet away from the window at the other end of the home, to spread the energy before it leaks out.
For more detail about using chimes to distribute the energy, you can also go to my book, FENG SHUI AND MONEY, and read the section about the front entrance.
Good luck with spreading the wealth!
–E J Shaffert
E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.
He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.
E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.
He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.
I love being part of this group. It’s so helpful. Thank you.
Hi Barbara,
I am so glad you are enjoying the group!
Have fun with your Feng Shui tips!
Hi EJ. Will the wind chime help circulate the chi up to the 2nd level and main living spce? I have a solid door across from my front door that goes out to the garage plus you have to go upstairs to get to the main living space. I’m hoping a wind chime will help lift the chi up the stairs while also keeping it from escaping into the garage.
And thank for these tips. They are great. Cleaned up the entrance to my front door and am looking for a more cxolordul and welcoming door met rather than the dark grey one I have now.
Hi Sharon – Nice to hear from you!
You are welcome for these Tips! It is a pleasure for me to share them with you.
Yes, a good wind chime should be able to lift the “chi” up the stairs as well as into the rooms ahead.
Enjoy the “chi”!
– E J
Must the wind chime make a sound?
Can it be simple moving objects without noise?
As that area needs silence
Hi Sawsan, Thank you for the question!
It is best if a chime can make sound since those vibrations can be powerful.
However, even a silent chime can have an influence! So you might choose a chime that has a tassel on the string so it does not hit the tubes loudly.
Good luck with it!
Where can I find a “finely tuned “ chime ? Or what do I look for in a chime….
Hi Vanessa: I particularly like the wind chimes that are made by the Woodstock Chime company. These chimes are often available online through amazon.com.
Good luck finding your right chime! E J