A Feng Shui Tip from E. J. Shaffert, Director of London School of Feng Shui

You might find it a bit strange that Feng Shui consultants can speak with such passion about the front door of a home…and yet, there is reason to this mindset.

As discussed in the previous Feng Shui Tip of The Week newsletter, the front door is a metaphor for our connection with the outside world. Each time we step out of our homes, we are crossing the bridge between our inner and outer lives.

On a subconscious level, this experiences of stepping over the threshold has a deep meaning. If you step outside to the sight of derelict buildings and the sound of blaring traffic, you might think, “Oh no, another lousy day!”

And yet, if you open your front door to a flourishing garden and the melodious chirping of birds, your attitude about the day ahead will probably be much more positive.

With Feng Shui, we adjust our experience of our environment for just this reason: to send deep cues to our subconscious, and to the people around us, what our experience of life is, and will be.

Take a moment to go to your front door and consciously notice what messages you are sending about your connection to the world. Yes, that’s right, you need to literally stand inside your threshold, open the door, and observe your experience.

Do you feel inspired by the view ahead, and feel like taking on the world? Or does the view make you want to turn around and shut the door to life ahead?

Now, do the same experiment in reverse. Stand outside your threshold, open your front door, and notice the view into your home. Once again, does the view look inviting and nurturing, or are you hit by a vision of chaos and clutter?

Begin to think creatively about how you can adjust your vision on either side of your front door. In this way, you are literally shifting your vision of your inner and outer worlds.

For a classic Feng Shui tip: make sure that your front door opens at least 90 degrees. Avoid the tendency to put any coat racks, shoe boxes, and other furniture that might block the full opening of the door (this is especially a danger in crowded apartments).

If this area is blocked in any way, it is already sending a deep, visceral message that opportunity will have trouble coming into your life.

Practice these suggestions, and I will be back next week with your next Feng Shui Tip!


E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.

He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.

E. J. Shaffert is an international Feng Shui consultant, educator, and author with over 24 years experience working with a wide range of residential and business projects.

He is the director of the London School of Feng Shui and the author of FENG SHUI & MONEY: A Nine-Week Program for Creating Wealth Using Ancient Principle and Techniques.

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